Sunday, June 2, 2013


An unxpected serenity enveloped me as I walked along towards an urgent, not too serene a meeting..... 

There were men and women who work in a nearby mall - sitting on stone benches facing the canal, taking their breaks, buying inexpensive coffee (made out of sachets) from peddlers or from sellers of pecel and other cheap meals...

I got to know a very lovely pecel seller lady around 60 yo. Yes, she still looks lovely even without most of her teeth ! The loveliness must have radiated from her enthusiasm and cheerfulness. Life seemed to be good and kind to her (although I can imagine it could be tough to her at times). She sells the "pecel" for Rp. 4000.- a portion. Her optimistic energy infused me... I walked away more energized....

It's true that happiness comes in tiny pieces, flakes....... These seemingly unimportant moments refreshed me....

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